Application Systems

Many companies and foundations want to support groups and communities in reaching their goals. We’ve seen that working through applications for these causes can be overwhelming, making the act of helping into a long and complicated process.

So we wanted to make it easier.

Make it easier to help

When you need to put together an application system on your own, with the tools you have available to you, it can quickly become complex and time consuming. It becomes hard to deal with volume and details that help you reach good decisions.

Mediebruket has developed a system for application processing that allows you to receive, process and communicate back to your applicants through one collected system, in a simple workflow.

The system can be made to fit the organization’s wants and needs, both in terms of looks and workflows.

Standard is our most popular setup, it gives you the most common features that you’ll need to process applications in an efficient way. This system can also be configured for multiple application types at the same time.

User system for applicants and case handlers with a simple user register for the applicants

Up towards 3 different forms for use in different campaigns

Applicants can save drafts to continue their application later

Case handlers can comment applications internally to collaborate between each other

Sending standardized e-mails to one or more applicants with e-mail templates. For example confirmations of having received the form, and feedback to the users on the conclusion of their application

Ability to set up requirements for end reports from the applicants to document the use of their funds.

Secure operation and storage of all data in our administered hosting environment.

Advanced application system

The application systems we deliver are customized to your needs and work methods. Our designers and developers work closely to create a system that improves your workday and preserves the needs of the applicant for a simple and predictably application process.

In addition to the features in a Standard application system, we can also deliver:

Multi-step approval process

An extra security for those that distribute large amounts of funds and have multiple people that are involved in approving the applcation.

Multi-step approval can be set up in different ways that conform to your organizations routines.

Periodic report requests

For those that support projects in different steps of their process and want periodic reporting from the applicant.

We can set intervals for when you’d like reports to be submitted, and alerts to the applicant are sent automatically.

Multi-year funding

Some foundations contribute funds that are distributed over multiple years. We assist in setting up systems that allows you to have full oversight over who have received funds when, and which applicants have received all their rounds of funding.

Requirements can be put in place for pay-outs to occur, for example a periodic report that needs to be delivered and approved before a new portion of their funding is made available.

Automatic reminders on passed deadlines

Sometimes applicants need to be reminded of thing they need to do. And in our system you’ll be relieved of the job of doing so.

We’ll send reminders to applicant who have performed their tasks in the agreed upon time, making it more likely that you’ll get the information you need.

Statistics of funded projects

A busy workday makes communicating the efforts of your company and foundation to the public a challenge.

We can publish data for you to display on your website to share the value that is given back to your communities and causes.

Other features customized to your needs

We’re aware that organizations and foundations can have need for different features than the ones we mention here.

We develop new integrations and features all the time, and customize systems so that it fits your needs. We’ll gladly have a chat with you to see how we can make our systems work for you.

Basis søknadssystem

Ei enkel løysing vi kan levere på kort tid, for deg som ønskjer ein enkel og god måte å behandle søknader på.

Avanserte funksjonar

Desse funksjonane må kjøpast i tillegg

Legitimering med Vipps eller BankID

Enkel og sikker innlogging for både søknadsbehandlar og søkar med Vipps eller BankID. Då treng ein ikkje hugse brukarnavn og passord, og du er sikker på at søkar er den dei seier.

Oppslag i Brønnøysundregisteret

Med integrasjon mot Brønnøysundregisteret er du forsikra at søkarane oppgir riktig informasjon. Du unngår skrivefeil i organisasjonsnummer, adresser og liknande.

Oppsett av tilpassa e-postar og utsending

Hald alle informert ved å sende e-post til alle samtidig, eller send kun til utvalde søkarar.

Filter for å sjå det du treng

Med filter ser du kun søknadane  du treng å forholde deg til i øyeblikket, filtrer på status, søknadstype, og mykje meir.

Er det noko anna vi kan hjelpe deg med?

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